
The HESO Minor consists of at least 30 and no more than 42 credits of approved courses. At least 18 credits must be from courses numbered 300 or higher. The HESO Advisory Committee maintains a list of approved courses, as well as a list of special topics seminars which may be applicable to the minor but are subject to approval by the Program Chair. See both lists, below.

In the past, SPPH_V 301 “Understanding the Sociocultural Determinants of the Health of Populations” was required for the Minor.  While this is no longer the case, it is strongly recommended that you complete either SOCI_V 284 “Health and Society” or SPPH_V 301 as early in your minor as possible, as these courses a foundational basis for other courses on issues of health and society.

Please be aware that some courses have prerequisites, and not all courses will be taught each term. Check WorkDay for up-to-date information on course listings.  If you’re new to WorkDay, here’s a link on how to find courses!

If you believe a course is relevant to the HESO minor, but is not listed below, please contact the Program Chair to discuss the inclusion of the course to your HESO credits.


Approved Courses

AMNE_V 301

The Technical Terms of Medicine and Biological Science
Acquaints the student with the Greek and Latin elements from which most specialized terms of modern medicine are constructed. Intended primarily for students planning to enter the medical, pharmaceutical, or biological sciences. Credit will be granted for only one of CLST 301 or AMNE 301.

ANTH_V 227

Introduction to Medical Anthropology

An examination of health and illness, in their social and cultural contexts.

ANTH_V 427

Topics in Medical Anthropology

Anthropological perspectives on health, illness, and disability as represented by classic and contemporary research in selected topics in medical anthropology including disease and human evolution, illness and human ecology, culture and epidemiology, ethnomedical systems, the relationship between folk and biomedicine and the cultural construction and social organization of health care, illness and disability. Specific content will vary from year to year. Consult the Department brochure.

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

ANTH_V 428

Medicine, Society, and Culture

A medical anthropological perspective on medical science, technology, translational research, and clinical practice, in laboratory, clinic, family, social, and cultural contexts. Topics include explanatory models of health, acute and chronic illness, disability; social and cultural dimensions genetics; clinical interaction.

ANTH_V 429

Global Health in Cross-Cultural Contexts

Includes examination of the social and cultural dimensions of specific life-threatening emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, the political economy of health, cultural interpretations of illness and healing, medical pluralism, therapy management, and the cultural construction of efficacy.

Winter 2024
No ANTH course(s) were found for W2024 term.

ACAM_V 320-B

Selected Topics in ACAM Studies – ACAM CDN HEALTH
If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

Winter 2024
No ACAM course(s) were found for W2024 term.

CLST_V 301

The Technical Terms of Medicine and Biological Science
Acquaints the student with the Greek and Latin elements from which most specialized terms of modern medicine are constructed. Intended primarily for students planning to enter the medical, pharmaceutical, or biological sciences. Students from other areas of study, however, are also welcome to enrol. No knowledge of the Greek or Latin languages is required; no knowledge of anatomy or physiology is required. Credit will be granted for only one of CLST 301 or AMNE 301.

Winter 2024
No CLST course(s) were found for W2024 term.

ECON_V 384

Economic Analysis of Health Services
Microeconomic theory of resource allocation with emphasis on the applications of optimizing models of health service markets. Analysis of Canadian problems in health service supply. Models of the consumer/patient, the physician/entrepreneur, the not-for-profit hospital/firm, and the third-party regulatory and payment agency.

Winter 2024
No ECON course(s) were found for W2024 term.

ENGL_V 307

Studies in Rhetoric

Topics in rhetorical theories and their application. If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

ENGL_V 309

Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Exploration of the persuasive dimension of discourse practices in science, technology, and medicine.

Winter 2024
No ENGL course(s) were found for W2024 term.

FMST_V 316

Human Sexuality
An examination of human sexual development and behaviour.

Winter 2024
No FMST course(s) were found for W2024 term.

FNH_V 342

Critical Perspectives on Consumer Food Practices
Personal, collective, and policy factors affecting food choices, including perceptions of healthy eating, gender, identity, family structures, and economic, sociocultural, and political forces.

FNH_V 355

International Nutrition
Conceptualization and scientific analyses of global problems in food and nutrition; complexities of food habits and malnutrition in various cultures around the world.

FNH_V 473

Applied Public Health Nutrition
Theory and methods in public health nutrition and health promotion program planning to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate nutrition-related programs for communities and populations. Considers factors affecting behavior and the social determinants of health.

Winter 2024
No FNH course(s) were found for W2024 term.

GRSJ_V 310

Gender, Race, Social Justice and Health
Interdisciplinary introduction to gender and health issues using selected theoretical frameworks.

Winter 2024
No GRSJ course(s) were found for W2024 term.

HIST_V 104

Topics in History
Thematically-organized topics will explore global aspects of human experience across time. Each section will examine a single theme. If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

HIST_V 240

Health, Illness and Medicine I: From the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period

History of western medicine, from the Ancient World to the Enlightenment, with a focus on social and cultural ideas surrounding the body, health, and disease, and the development of medical institutions.

HIST_V 241

Health, Illness and Medicine II: The Modern World from 1700 to the Present
Western medicine from 1700 to the present, with a focus on social and cultural ideas surrounding the body, health and disease, and the development of medical institutions.

HIST_V 398

The History of Modern Medicine

The history of health and disease in the modern world, focusing in particular on the emergence and history of modern biomedicine.

HIST_V 420-D

Topics in Canadian History – DRUGS IN CANADA

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

HIST_V 440

History of Global Health

The emergence of global health since 1800. Medical and social response to infectious diseases and epidemics, the ethical foundations of global health, and the relationship among health, colonialism, international collaboration, and the developing world.

HIST_V 487

History of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Acupuncture to Yoga

Alternative and complementary healing in history, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), yoga, meditation, and alternative drug therapies. Specific themes may vary from year to year.

Winter 2024
No HIST course(s) were found for W2024 term.

NURS_V 270

Diverse Perspectives on Aging

Examines aging experience from interdisciplinary, equity, diversity, inclusion and Indigeneity (EDI-I) (race, sex, gender, disability), and systems perspectives. Topics include older adult health and illness, age friendly communities, ageism and stigma, and end of life issues.

NURS_V 280

Human Sexual Health

Beliefs, behaviours, and expressions of human sexuality and the link to health for students from any program. How sexuality is discussed and practiced from various perspectives, and strategies to promote healthy sexual expression and sexual health.

NURS_V 290

Health Impacts of Climate Change

Human health impacts of the current and projected environmental crisis; study of key concepts and ideas to prepare for the future to promote well-being of individuals, communities and populations.

Winter 2024
No NURS course(s) were found for W2024 term.

PHIL_V 333-A

Bio-Medical Ethics
Moral problems arising in the health sciences, especially in medicine but also in biology, psychology, and social work. Topics include abortion, death and euthanasia, genetic engineering, behaviour modification, compulsory treatment, experimentation with human beings and animals, and the relationship between professionals and their patients, subjects or clients. No philosophical background is required. Credit will be granted for only one of PHIL 333 or PHIL 433.

Winter 2024
No PHIL course(s) were found for W2024 term.

PSYC_V 207

Contemporary Topics in Biological and Cognitive Psychology

A focus on the interpretation of contemporary research in social, developmental, personality, and clinical psychology. If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

PSYC_V 208

Contemporary Topics in Social, Developmental, Personality, and Clinical Psychology

A focus on the interpretation of contemporary research in social, developmental, personality, and clinical psychology. If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

PSYC_V 311

Psychology of Sport

Psychological theory, research, and skills training related to sport performance, exercise motivation, and adherence. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 311 and HKIN 231 and 364.

PSYC_V 314

Health Psychology

Health-related behaviours such as smoking and drug use; effects of stressful events on health; methods for coping with stress; impact of chronic illness on the family; social support systems.

PSYC_V 322

Adulthood and Aging

Issues, theories, and psychological research regarding adulthood and the aging process.

PSYC_V 335

Gambling and Decision Making

The psychology of gambling behaviour, with emphasis on relevant work from judgment and decision-making, the cognitive neuroscience of choice, and clinical perspectives on disordered gambling.

Winter 2024
No PSYC course(s) were found for W2024 term.

SPPH_V 300

Working in Global Health

Planning/preparing for work in global health, with attention to health inequities and determinants internationally and domestically, the pursuit of partnerships to address this, power imbalances and ethical principles for carrying out this work. Health Science background not essential. Credit will be granted for only one of SPPH 300 or IHHS 300.

SPPH_V 301

Understanding the Sociocultural Determinants of the Health of Populations

This course covers the idea of “population health,” and the implementation and evaluation of programs or policies to improve health. Open to all students. Credit will be granted for only one of SPPH 200, SPPH 301, or IHHS 200.

SPPH_V 302

Topics in Health Informatics for Health/Life Sciences Students

Basic literacy in health informatics. Innovative approaches to healthcare implementation, access to care, and data utilization. Interprofessional Health and Human Service (IHHS) course. Credit will be granted for only one of SPPH 302 or IHHS 302.

SPPH_V 381-A

Selected Topics – Public Health Ethics

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

SPPH_V 381-B

Special Topics in Population and Public Health: Gender & Health

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

SPPH_V 381-C/SPPH_V 303

Selected Topics – Environmental Health

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

SPPH_V 381-D/SPPH_V 304

Selected Topics – Canadian Health Policy

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

SPPH_V 381-E

Selected Topics – Work & Health 

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.


SPPH_V 404

Indigenous Health: Historical Impacts and Contemporary Approaches

This course covers an epistemological approach that considers the social determinants of health and Indigenous spiritual-environmental and cultural perspectives and approaches to health and wellness.

SPPH_V 410

Improving Public Health: An Interprofessional Approach to Designing and Implementing Effective Interventions

Improving public health by developing the skills to design and deliver pragmatic, effective health behavior change interventions. Credit will be granted for only one of SPPH 410 or IHHS 410.

SPPH_V 411

Violence Across the Lifespan

Overview of violence across the lifespan. Epidemiology, dynamics, health effects, intervention and prevention. Credit will be granted for only one of SPPH 411 or IHHS 411.

SPPH_V 481-C

Special Topics in Population and Public Health: Prison Health

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

SPPH_V 481-D

Special Topics in Population and Public Health: Global Health Policy and Systems

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

Winter 2024
No SPPH course(s) were found for W2024 term.

SOWK_V 440-B

Integrative Seminars in Social Work (Addictions)

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

SOWK_V 440-Q

Integrative Seminars in Social Work (Social Work in Health Care Settings)

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to you taking the course.

SOWK_V 450

Social Work Practice in Community Mental Health

Online course providing overview of social work services to persons with a mental illness.

SOWK_V 453

Disability and Justice

This Interprofessional Health and Human Service (IHHS) course considers how health and human service professionals can effectively practice with people with disabilities from a social justice perspective. Social and personal context and practice responses are examined. Offered as IHHS 407 prior to September 2015. Credit will be granted for only one of SOWK 453 or IHHS 407.

Winter 2024
No SOWK course(s) were found for W2024 term.

SOCI_V 204

Global Population Dynamics
Core processes that influence world population patterns and trends.

SOCI_V 284

Health and Society

An introduction to health and illness through a sociological lens.

SOCI_V 290

Global Pandemics

Global pandemics in relation to social inequality, social interaction and social institutions.

SOCI_V 344

Sociology of Aging
Demographic, economic, and social trends associated with aging, ageism, and aging populations. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 344 and SOCI 444.

SOCI_V 384

Sociology of Health and Illness
Classic and contemporary sociological perspectives on health, illness, and health care. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 384 and SOCI 484.

SOCI_V 387

Drugs and Society
Social dimensions of the causes, consequences, regulation, and treatment of substance use from Canadian and international perspectives.

SOCI_V 473

Sociology of Mental Illness
A sociological approach to the meaning of mental illness; the organization of psychiatric treatment; problems in the explanation of the distribution of mental illness in a population.

SOCI_V 479

Social Determinants of Health
Relationships between social phenomena (e.g., personal beliefs, lifestyle practices, social support, socio-economic status, social class, gender, and ethnicity) and the health of human populations.

SOCI_V 495-F

Advanced Studies in Sociology – CBPR APPLIED
An intensive examination of selected topics in Sociology. Consult the department for this year’s offerings.

If you are interested receiving HESO credit for this course, please contact the HESO Program Chair (see the Faculty page for contact information) so that the course syllabus may be approved prior to taking the course.

Winter 2024
No SOCI course(s) were found for W2024 term.

UFOR_V 200

Urban Forests and Well-Being

Basic relationships between urban residents’ mental and physical well-being and their urban forest environment.

Winter 2024
No UFOR course(s) were found for W2024 term.


Last updated November 2024.